The Ozaukee County Historical Society and the 1st Allied Airborne Living History Group will transform Ozaukee County Pioneer Village into a European Village in the midst of World War II. The theme for this year’s event is “The Forgotten Front of Europe, the Mediterranean”. Italian soldier re-enactors will join the close to two hundred living historians encamped in the village. Attendees can expect to see vehicles, weaponry, uniforms and artifacts from the time. A French café, a USO canteen, morning and afternoon battles and many demonstrations throughout the day are all part of the event. On this one hundred year anniversary of WWI, there will be a tribute wall honoring those men from Ozaukee County who perished in that conflict. A special feature is the USO style dance in the Village Hall at 7:00PM on Saturday. With music from the forties, the fifteen piece orchestra Swing Noveau, will entertain re-enactors in uniform as well as the general public.
$10 Adults
$8 for Seniors/ Students
$5 for Veterans